The Small Yet Mighty Chen Po

Thursday, August 10, 2006

I'm Chen Po, a small beautiful black pekingese with a white spot on my chest. My big silver sister, MoonShadow told me all about this blogging thing and I decided to try it out. I was born Dec. 15th, 2005 (mom guessed on that one) and live with several standard poodles (MoonShadow, JosephineRose, Aspasia, Justice andSchopenhauer)and a teacup poodle (Odette). I used to live with a mand and a woman and their big, mean, black lab. One day when I was very, very tiny, the people took the lab and I to a park. We were having fun at first but then that lab got mad. He attacked me, trying to kill me. The people were embarased or something, grabed that lab, jumped in their truck and abandoned me! Luckily mom saw what happened (although she thought I was a kitten at 1st) ran over and took me to the ER. The vets there told me I didn't have a chance becuase my lungs were so bruised and almost full of blood but mom just couldn't let them put me to sleep. I'm pretty happy about that. $1000 later I was healthy enough to go home. Mom had planed to find me a new home (she does canine foster care sometimes) but I decided I wanted to stay, and what I want I get. After all, its not very hard. All I have to do is look up at mom with my big brown eyes and whatever I had done wrong is forgotten and I get anything I desire. What a great life. All the poodles like me, especially Odette. She thinks I'm her boyfriend. Of corse, I've never met any sane creature or person who didn't like me. That doesn't mean I like everyone though. I'm not very fond of strangers. I'm not scared of them, but don't like how people think they need to get in my face. That might be fine for the poodles, but I'M royalty. I need to be treated like royalty, not as a cute fuzzy little toy. I don't bite, mind you, but I just don't put up with it.


At 6:29 PM, Blogger Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Hey cutie! Welcome to ourblig Gloggie Doggie family.

Bussie Kissies

At 2:48 AM, Blogger Boo Boo said...

Hey Chen Po !!!

Welcome to cyber doggy world !!

At 11:26 PM, Blogger Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Chen Po,

Not all Labs are like that yucky one ! Me and Charlie are really nice and we are glad to have you on dogswithblogs :-)



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